Niels had a quarter life crisis and grew a beard over winter break since he can’t sport scruff in clinic at school. Let me just put it out there that I am not a fan of the beard in general. I don't feel like it is a very flattering or attractive feature for anyone and I think that very few people can pull it off. Well, unless you're Hugh Jackman. Okay, I suppose Sean Connery does a good one too. (I swear I don't have a thing for old men.)
Just looking at his face made my skin itch. Poor Claire grew terrified of the increasingly Muslim looking man in the house formerly known as her father and definitely kept her distance. After 3 weeks of minimal kisses from me and some serious rejection from his daughter, he finally caved in and agreed to shave. In awesome/creepy phases of course.
Just looking at his face made my skin itch. Poor Claire grew terrified of the increasingly Muslim looking man in the house formerly known as her father and definitely kept her distance. After 3 weeks of minimal kisses from me and some serious rejection from his daughter, he finally caved in and agreed to shave. In awesome/creepy phases of course.