We were sitting the fence on whether or not to put up a tree this year as we would be so busy to enjoy it very much. However, since my office is moving this Friday, I didn't bother setting up the tree there only to have to take it down for the move. Also, the office is shut down for the week of Christmas, so it wouldn't make much sense to set it up at the new space either.
I figured the office tree and all of it's decor needed a good home this XMAS, so we decided to loot and to adopt it this season =)
The only problem once we brought it home was that this 10' tree was way too tall for our itty-bitty house. So we were crafty and took out the middle segment of the tree and decided to use the top and bottom half to make our first little Xmas tree. It's wobbly if you touch it too hard, but it's just great for us!

Ta Dah!