It was a dark and snowy morning @6am . . . a few instant, sure characteristics of a bad day for me. . . I stumbled out of bed and into my laundry room to grab my running clothes out of the dryer. With my eyes still trying to peel themselves open, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my bottle of bleach had tipped over on top of my dryer. Not thinking twice about this, because the cap was screwed on of course, I grabbed the bottle to return it to it's upright position. As I grabbed the handle, my palm met the label on the bottle which was completely drenched.
At this point everything on my body that was formerly only semi-conscious, woke up quickly. I began to asses the un-reversable damage of bleach, and started to pat the various stacks of the clean, folded laundry on top of my dryer. Everything felt fine, and then my eyes met the last stack before my hands did . . . I froze as I registered that my one and only favorite pair of designer Jeans were RUINED.
Now this post might seem somewhat petty and materialistic, but these jeans were my first big purchase after I graduated from college and had a real job. They were my envy that I could not afford as a poor student, (I actually still shouldn't be affording them as a newlwed either, not to mention an upcoming dental student's wife.)
If it was anything else, I would have seen it as an opportunity to by a new one. But . . I, like most women, don't necessarily have the easiest time when it comes to shopping for jeans. It is a serious process for me that takes a lot of time, money, and alterations. Let the process begin . . .
Sorry about the pants Suz...maybe you could splash bleach over the rest of the pants and bring whitewash pants back in?? I guess we just have to try and laugh at things like this anymore...and look forward to the day the loans are paid off and you can buy a new pair.
i am crying right now for you..i know the pain...cut them into cute shorts..you will probably be somewhere really hot very soon!
Suz...this is very sad news. Don't worry, the Reno Jensen's held a wake for the lost jeans. I prayers and thoughts are with you. As we use to always say...this to shall pass.
I am so, so, so sorry. If that happened to me I would undoubtedly find someone to blame (probably the someone I live with) and scream my head off like an unruly child...
Send them to me, I'll wear them. :)
I'm so sorry! I hate buying jeans. Next time you're down here let's do some shopping.
Post more pictures. I want more updates.
did you check out the william rast?
i am sorry for your loss. i've had my fair share of ruined clothing too thanks to the hubby and a tube of chapstick left in his pocket. very sad. very sad indeed.
OH SAD!!!! Oh that sucks suzie! I'm SOOOO sorry. I would be so sad. wow...theyre not even mine and it pisses me off. wow.
Susie! I've been stumbling upon blogs from old Vegas friends all the time and it's a blast. So awesome to hear you guys are doing well, and congrats on dental school! :)
My husband and I are in Philly going to med school. Newlywed life is sure fun, even if perpetual studenthood isn't. :)
And I'm very sorry for your jeans. :( I lost an amazing sweater once to a permanent marker, and my favorite running shorts to bleach. Tragedy...
-becca warthen (johnson)
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