Isn't it funny that my boss actually gave me these gorgeous flowers for my birthday, and that everyone kept saying , "Ahhhhhh, someone must really love you" . . . and I would grin and reply, "in the most appropriate way possible" . . . to avoid starting any uwelcomed office rumors of course.

Isn't it funny that the engineers at my office gave me this sweatshirt?

Isn't it funny that Niels hates Valentines Day, but he still decided that he would support my guilty fetish with gummi grapefruits, chocolate cinnamon bears, and Aussie licorice chews? I am pathetic, I know. Equally impressive act of Niels . . . please note the black and red bucket. He hand-picked this to tell me he got into UNLV Dental School. Go Rebels! The hideous piece of art was a wedding gift we had stuffed in a box. Niels thought it would go well with the rest of his get-up. Good job Babe!
Cute Niels. I don't know why the Jensen boys hate Valentine's day. I'm still working on Ben.
We're so excited for you guys to come to Vegas. It will be one big party!
So are you coming to live in Vegas!? ohhh I would looove that!
your grandma is awesome.
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