On Friday Niels walked. He graduated in Psychology which is part of the Family, Home & Social Sciences Department, (a.k.a the largest department at BYU, a.k.a the longest convocation ceremony ever.) Niels wasn’t as excited as I thought he would be to be done. He says it’s because he can only think about how he starts all over again for another 4 years in August. Completely understandable.
Friday night I had the chance to throw a shower for my step sister-in law Mauri. She has two girls, and is expecting her first boy any minute now. In fact, it was a miracle this shower took place seeing how Mauri was checked into the hospital last week hooked up and everything. However, baby Wesley knew he could not come into the world without having new boy clothes and blue blankets. So thank you Wesley for staying in until you could be well accessorized.

Mauri happy to have boy toys, and her daughter Katelyn claiming the John Deere.
Saturday was bridal shower day for Melissa, my friend Taylor’s fiancĂ©e. It was very fancy, almost like a miniature wedding. Some girls made her this apron, and it is my new envy. This picture does not do it justice, but it is oh so cute. Too bad I can’t sew . . . but if you are a friend that knows how to and wants to know something I want for a future gift, this is it. Wink, wink

Sunday, we played hooky and ditched church. Instead, we went to Salt Lake to celebrate Brandon Hofheins' b-day. We currently live in the Hofheins’ basement and have been close friends for 6 years now. We all went to listen to the MoTab Choir at Music and the Spoken Word. The Tabernacle Orchestra happened to be performing with them which was a great addition. Sure CD’s are ok, but there is something about sitting in the tabernacle and listening to all the voices and instruments live with all the acoustics. Very cool. There were also tons of tulips at Temple Square, so I got a mini Tulip Festival after all.
The partying continues this week with Niels’ b-day on Thursday, and a celebration for our Grandma in Vegas on Saturday. Party on.
Congrats! Sorry we couldn't be there for the festivities. We're excited to see you guys this weekend.
Wow what party animals you are! Who brought the lei's for graduation - they looked great and you looked gorgeous! See you soon!
uhm, I have a toile apron from williams and sonoma and it is my most prized possession. i'm pretty sure I need one like this too though.
hi there guys! happy b-day niels and congrats on graduation! so i randomly stumbled across your guys' blog the other day--i clicked on someone's link that said 'jensens' cause i thought it was us and low and behold... so anyway, good to hear what you're up to, i think i'll add your link to our blog if that's okay.
-lisa (spuhler)jensen
(we're at tomjensenfam.blogspot.com)
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