It's still 70 degrees here (not complaining), so we figured we better do something to get in the holiday spirit. After all, it is our first winter away from snow in 7 years. (again, not complaining)
The entryway creation . . .
The tree . .
I have this quirk sometimes that if I am going to do something that I care about, I want it done well. Hence this little Douglas Fir. I didn't want to fork out the dough on an expensive tree this year, only to adorn it with tacky ornaments that would drive me crazy to look at every day (being that those are likely all we could afford right now). But, it's not Xmas without a tree so I decided to put the 11 ornaments that we own on this 18 inch beauty. We pick a new one each year and the others were gifts. My plan is to get a steal in January on a big tree and some pretty ornaments for next year.
I promise I am going somewhere with the following:
Most of you probably already know that many celebrities have their various assets insured. Well this was completely news to me last month and frankly I was baffled to learn that J-lo's derriere is insured, as well as are Mariah Carey's legs, not to mention Bruce Springsteen's voice, Liberace's hands, Dolly Parton's you-know-whats, etc. , etc.
I also recently learned that most dentists insure their hands in case anything debilitating happens during their career. While it totally makes sense, I guess it never really crossed my mind that we would have a policy on Niels' paws someday.
Still going somewhere with this. . .
This all being said, I am slightly overprotective of Niels' hands as they are kind of our future. I got a tad nervous when he played in last week's Turkey bowl, and to be honest I have doubts about our ski trip next weekend as I envision all kinds of worse case scenarios. I know it sounds crazy, but Niels will testify that his professors back me up on this.
Earlier this week I was nervous for his hands as he climbed a 20 ft ladder to hang Christmas lights on the top story of our house. Now he tried to convince me that it was ok and very normal to just hang them on the first story above the garage. But because of my above mentioned quirk, that was simply not an option. That is, it was simply not an option until I saw how tall that ladder really was. I told Niels to let me get up on the ladder becasue we needed his hands. He replied from 20 ft. above me, "You're not getting up here. We can still have children if I don't have hands."

Ta dah . . .
We took the girls to an outdoor light fesitval at Springs Preserve. Jen told Taylor the real Santa was there and she cocked her head and rolled her eyes in very Taylor fashion.
Who needs a Douglass Fir, when you can have a huge Saguaros instead? Kind of cool.