Typically, I try to disappear when Niels has big tests so he can really focus on doing well. Apparently I am a distraction.
While I usually jet off to Utah to see old friends or go into the office I remotely work for during his crazy weeks, an opportunity presented itself to go somewhere a little further and little more exotic than Zion during his finals week in April.
Some friends have asked me to join them as their nanny on their trip to Costa Rica. I have never been and have always wanted to go, so I am pretty excited. It will be a decent amount of work, as the kids are . . . um, well very energetic. But, they are very cute and say and do the most classic things that keep me laughing.
So while Niels is pounding the books, I'll be watching three kids, ages 8, 6, and 2. That's a fair trade, right?
Please let me know if you have been before, especially with children and if you have good ideas of things to do/see!