I really wanted to post this picture without any text, but I should probably explain.
I resisting reading Twilight for a very long time mainly becasue I get really annoyed when there is a public frenzy and people go overboardly nuts about a certain item ( e.g. Tickle Me Elmo, Furby, Harry Potter, Black Friday . . . you get my drift.)
I finally gave in after the world settled down 10 notches, and ended up reading Twilight while we were in Europe this spring. I wanted to see if it really was as addicting as everyone makes it out to be.
While Niels mocked me for reading such a lame and unrealistic love story between a human and a vampire, I just rebuttled by reminding him he was reading Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game, an unrealistic silly sci-fi space novel. I hate sci-fi for the most part.
I offerred a propostion and told him that I would read his book if he would read mine, knowing he would have no interest. He didn't really give a solid answer, we never agreed on it, nor did we shake hands on it . . . nothing was set.
Look who found my lame and unrealistic vampire love story under my bed. AND, guess who finished it in 3 days?
Did you like it...Twilight? Joe said he'd see the movie...
You want to know something funny, Joe just finished Ender's Game. I don't know why guys like sci-fi.
I'd be very careful about this blackmail business with Niels...
And guess who just got way more respect from me...oh yeah it's Niels! I made Travie read it too he liked it and said he would start New Moon if I would stop loaning it out! I miss you too much :(
ha ha! i dunno if i could ever get my husband to read it. there was a guy who quoted some lines in it during his talk a couple weeks ago when we were in utah visiting a sacrament meeting--maybe neils can start doing that too. :)
have you read the other two now and prepared yourself for the 4th? and have have you read "the host", her newer series?
ok....quoting Twilight in a sacrament meeting...even in utah??
that would really make me laugh if Nielsaroni did that.
So Niels, what's the virdict? even I haven't read it yet.
ha! love it. wish I could catch Clarke in the act. What did you think? I was the same way--everyone RAVED about it--my ward even has Twilight parties. I think I would have liked it better if I had picked it up randomly. You know the drill--"it's soooo good" told to me over and over. Too high of expectations.
I liked it well, but didn't love it enough to rush out and get the second and third book in the series. And in no way would I ever want to take the fan tour of Forks, Washington (a very small town where the story takes place.)
It is a quick and entertaining read that is filled with intense moments.
I am more excited for the movie to come out in December.
My Verdict: It was entertaining... with quite a few VERY cheesy parts that made me laugh out loud (the whole "I love you, but I want to eat you" thing that was such a big part of the story was just funny to me- the hiking chapters were my least favorite). I wouldn't be opposed to reading the others, but don't expect it any time soon.
Also, get ready for Blackmail part two. I have more than enough material.
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