I‘m a fairly logical consumer, I think so at least. I usually take my time making decisions about bigger purchases and really consider if I/we really need or want it. This is all of course only valid as long as I am not at Target/Costco. For some reason I can always justify needing mass grocery items for the two of us. Always makes sense, always.
All of my monetary inhibitions flew out the window for a few days this month when I got the sudden urge to buy us a Wii. Sure we have played the Wii a dozen times over the past year and have had fun. But not enough fun to make us want to go on a wild goose hunt after one. And then, we played Wii Fit at our friends house on New Year’s Eve. Now I had seen ads for the thing and thought it was one of the dumber pansy exercise inventions ever created since the Gazelle. Nonetheless, I decided to test my hypothesis and had a change of heart after a 3 hour trial run. They rock.
I woke up New Years Day, sore like an old lady, eager to find us a Wii, and more importantly a WiiFit board. I realized that they were the new Tickle-me-Elmo item after patronizing the closest Best Buy and Target, only to be laughed at by the Geek Sqauder and the Target Team Member when I asked them to direct me to them. “Oh, you’re out of them? Can you see if any of your other locations have them?” Additional boisterous laughter followed.
Suddenly I realized that I was about to become one of those people I always make fun of at Christmas time for spending too much time and effort tracking down the hot item of the year. I was on a mission.
I can only tell you the rest of my story if you promise not to judge. . .
I figured it would be really dumb of retailers to advertise Wii Fit boards in the Sunday paper, and then not have them in stock. Sure enough, there she was smack dab in the Best Buy ad. It was 8 now am, they opened at 10, and my church started at 11. Brilliancy flashed in my mind (some might call it Satan), I figured I had time to get ready for church, go be one of the crazies that stands in line for a dumb store to open, and then be home in time for Niels to wake up and go to church.
Long story short, I was number 8 in the line of about 25 other crazies waiting for the store to open. I was all dolled up in a dress and heels, standing there with all the people that just rolled out of bed in their sweats. Filled to the brim with adrenaline, I ran to the back corner of the store with my high-heels on and secured one of the 13 boards without too much trampling.
I’m pretty ridiculous, I know.
Wii-diculous indeed...has the wii asked where your over weight friend Shea is again? It does tell me time and time again that my muscles arent gonna exercise themselves.....guess I'll just have to break the news to Berns that the cleaning needs to be put on hold while I hula hoop and jump ski slopes...
Not ridiculous at all. Last year I even tried to get Jeff to use his black card connections to get me one. Wanna guess how that turned out? Me standing around Target all day waiting for a semi to unload.
I'm picturing the scene in my head and laughing!! Everyone probably looked at you and thought "who's this lady and where is she off too?" Especially in Vegas! I'm so glad you found one and seriously want to try it!
Umm... why didn't you tell me this while talking to me today? Stories like this need to be told to me immediately so that I can make fun of you on the phone and not on a lame blog page!
love it..i always love a crazy person like you...can i say nordstrom sale?!
How can I judge when I sent my husband to Target at 5 am one Sunday morning last year so that I didn't have to see tears in my kids eyes when Santa didn't bring them what they asked for. Hmmm...maybe I need the Wii fit to change my views on the Wii?
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