
Lady Lumps

Flashback to 8th grade health class:

Mrs.Walker, my 6'1" stalky black woman teacher stood in the front of the room and declared to all the boys in her deep military voice, "Gentlemen, they are not boobies . . . they are not hooters and they are certainly not ta-ta's . . . they are breasts. Understand? They are breasts."

My sister-in-law's mother has breast cancer and so she designed these awesomely comical shirts in order to raise money to walk in the Susan G Komen 3-day walk for a cure later this fall.

This is my other sister in-law, Sara modeling the shirt.

If you are interested please let me know and I can make sure you get one. They are $15 (shipping included) and again, it is for a great casue.

I am thinking I should send one to Mrs.Walker.


Berns and Shea said...

sign me up.

I think berns should sport one too...and niels....

Lindzie said...

cute shirts! I think i might need one...

Logg said...

I didn't know many of these different words, but I also noticed that there are a few choice descriptions missing.

jenorme said...

These are great! I most definitely want one.

Becca said...

I totally want one! My mom had breast cancer.

Darla said...

Thank you so much Susie. You are wonderful. And please tell your friends thank you very much as well for their purchases.

Also tell Logg we had to eliminate a few choice discriptions because some people were offended.

You're the best!

Susan C. Thomas said...

Is there a website or something where these t-shirts can be ordered? Is it an official Kolman website. Please let me know. Thanks, Mom

Anonymous said...

Okay! Hilarious - I have to have one of those - so so funny! Love the shirt! So good to see and meet you Suzie at the wedding!

Kyle and Heidi Clarke said...

Hi Suzie! I just had to tell you I started laughing so hard at the Ms. Walker story... hilarious! I can remember so very clearly that exact dialogue. She had the hugest ta-tas of all. Holy Hannah!