
LOVE the Show . . .

But, I can't decide who is more painful to watch:

You decide.


Anonymous said...

My dad has a crush on Cat Deeley. Don't tell him I told you, though.

jenorme said...

I choose C.... Mia Michaels is by far the most painful to watch.

Hilary said...

mary murphy is by far the most annoying one on the show!

Rebecca and Nick said...

Oh my goodness, I feel the same way. Sometime I cringe at them both.

Clarke and Kamie said...

Aw, I kinda like Cat. She's quirky. Now MARY and MIA on the other hand--those are the 2 who are painful.

Hawks said...

my favorite words..are judges...and hot tamalie train along with a scream...

Chad, Melanie and Layla said...

Mary is the winner in my book! If Chad watches the show with me I have to fast forward her comments because he can't stand her..

LW said...

HAHA!! That's so funny - and true. It's a toss up for me!
How are you!? Haven't talked to you in a while. You didnt call or anything last time you were in town...(I think you were in town anyways). Well let me know how you are doing!
Take care

Jensen Family said...

I love that we share the smae dislike for Cat Deeley. After watching her for the last four seasons she has kind of grown on me!

Jensen Family said...

Oh and back off Mary Murphy... I like her. Oh and you can tell Jen to pick on someone her own size (much smnaller) than Mia Michaels - I like her!

Norby Family said...

I find it funny when Cat tries to dance, now that's painful, especially on a dancing show.

Carol and Tyler said...

I would take both of them, times infinity, over Paula ANY DAY!

noelle regina said...

you have to be kidding.
the tamale train is WAY MORE DIFFICULT to endure.