You know, I went many a years without drinking soda when I was in high school and in college. H2O was hands down my drink of choice.
And then I started working in an office where DietCoke was in stock 24/7 in the mini fridge at no personal expense. Overtime, I became that women that I used to mock. You know, the one that prefers Diet Coke for OJ at breakfast, or the one that craves the fizzy 32.oz fountain drink on pebble ice at lunch? Disgusting, I know.
Now that I work from home I don't keep it stocked in my fridge which helps quite a bit. However, anytime I leave my house for anything it is just natural to stop in and fill er' up. Especially because it is so blazing hot here it always sounds refreshing.
Well my friends, I am on the wagon and I am done with the brown sweet nectar for a while. Who's joining me?
Thanks Logan for the great visual aid.
I'm glad you used my picture and all, but I don't support your cause. After Diet Coke has given you so much and never asked anything in return, how can you turn your back on it?
Are you sure?? After this weekend I'm not sure that is possible. I'm sure you'll do great. Just go cold turkey. Haha!!
Oh.. I'm SO in!!
i'm not sure i can quite commit to that...
but with that being the case, i probably should.
maybe later though.
..check back with me when my kids are grown.
My story is much like yours only....Diet Dr. Pepper was my drug of choice...reasearch in the law firm library and 2pm my fall. My best year was 15 years later to allow myself one a week....that seemed to do the trick! Good luck!
I will not be joinging you seeing as how it is the only thing sweet I'm aloud to have....
I'm sure Becca will add this addiction to the long list of evil things Vegas does to a person. I've tried to quit a couple of times, but then I'm curled up in my closet drinking it out of a brown paper sack. Good luck.
I need to give up french fries and I need someone to do it with me.
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