Because I am slightly a type A personality that thrives on being busy and productive, I have found the hardest part about being unemployed (minus the whole sans income thing) has been staying productive and doing legitimate things with this newly acquired surplus time. Sure I enjoy a good vacation as much as the next person, but I actually enjoy having a full plate. Dare I say that I like being stressed to some extent? I dare.
So far I have found several things and random projects to occupy my time while seeking new employment. It has been nice spending additional time on things I already enjoy doing like cooking, gyming, reading, hanging with Niels, etc. But I have also picked up some things that I wouldn't normally do if I was busy with work. Things like trying to learn how to sew (?!!?!?), or paroozing through my 8th grade Spanish class notebook to refresh the skills, trying to figure out how the heck to do genealogy, etc.
Well I decided to venture into another unfamiliar realm and dedicated one of my weeks to creating my two-year-old niece's birthday present. Now I would say that I am creative, but I would argue that being crafty is a whole other beast. I embraced this fact, I found my inner Martha, and soon a project was born.
To sum it up, I would say that Avery is a wild child. So freaking cute, but a handful. So I thought I would make her some quiet activity folders that I have seen all these kids play with at church. They are genius! Now most people won't see my project as a crafty endeavor, or will think it is not a big deal. But this was pretty huge for me people. It required:
A ton of coloring, and I mean a TON:
A ton of cutting:
Luckily I had a part-time employee at the sweatshop:
Lots of laminating:
Some more cutting:
I'm really ok with not seeing scissors for a while . . .
Some of the finished products:
Good thing that she's totally worth it:
WOW! What a great aunt. Lucky niece :)
OK, you win at being a cool person. Making quiet books for other's children in your free time? I've been unemployed for, oh, two months, and there is nary a quiet book in sight. Way to be.
Also, I try not to be the kind of person who corrects people's spelling, but paroozing is just way too adorable. It's usually perusing, but I think we should maybe all just switch to your way.
We miss you guys! Hope you've had a fun summer and that we get to see you someday soon!
Thanks, Carolyn. That means a lot coming from the amazing aunt who makes all of her nieces and nephews a themed hand-stitched quilt when they are born!
Kristin - Thank you for correcting my grand factual error. It's totally the journalist in you, I understand. Although, I agree that paroozing looks way better. It looks like how a child would spell it on paper when their parent says, "now sound it out . . pa-roo-zing"
Wow, best aunt ever. I may steal that idea someday. Keep going with your inner Martha. Mine starts to come out right around early October in prep for Halloween.
Way to make the rest of Avery's aunts and uncles look bad. I think you spent way too much time at Learning is Fun when you were a kid. J/k...I wish I was as creative as you.
Any time I tell my kids that I don't know how to do something, they say, "Can Aunt Susie teach you?" :) They love you and thank you so much for the sweat and tears spent on Avery's project She loves them as much as she has to have "the fishies" while she watched Elmo. You are the best.
P.S. Avery's hair is horrific in these pics. Who does her hair?
That is awesome and I love the layout of your sweat shop. But the best part of the post is the picture of the two of you at the end. SOOO cute!!
adorable!!! i'll take one. how much? haha j/k
although i think niels might have a nervous break down if you suggested making another.
it boggles my mind that someone with your work ethic, brains, and talent hasn't been snatched up. after all, i hear on a weekly basis someone complain about your generation of workers (entitlement issues, shortcut takers, out the door at 5 no matter if there's work left to be done, etc). whoever does get you will be thrilled. THRILLED!!!
and that is the most awesome activity thing i have seen in a long time. anna spent most of sacrament meeting yesterday taking her clothes off and twirling in the aisles so if you're up for making another one, i'll pay.
i didn't love unemployment either. it got boring. good for you for keeping busy.
You are such a good colorer and aunt. You have also played a very good second-mom to me in the past. If you would like to help me develop a life plan while you're at it, feel free. And I take tough love very well.
I'm glad the girls have at least one aunt that's crafty and creative. I definitely don't fall into that category. Although I might have to change my ways when Leila gets a little older. Now I know who to call for ideas!
Patterns please... not that I think I have any free time to do this. I figure that if I really put my mind to it, I just might get the project done by the time my kids hit teens and it can keep them quiet then! Ha ha. Looks awesome. Seriously want to know where you found the stuff. Good idea. And just one more thing, where can I find good part-time employment like that. There is someone who lives here that I believe is related to your employee, but there is no way he would go for it.
Oh yes... I finally remembered to add you to permisable viewers on our family blog... only took 4 months but who's counting?
Okay! So will you come to our house. I have a 5 year old, full of hamminess and way hard to keep happy when it comes to church. This was be so amazing! :) What a cool Aunt!
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