
Who Wears it Better?

Two People, One Look. You decide who wears it better . .

Miley or Hilary

Serena or Angie?

Jon Gosselin or Niels . . . .


Trevor and Brooke said...

Scary!! Watch out Suz. Hopefully Jon is not Niels' idol!! Missed not having you guys here. Come down anytime.

Logg said...

Totally Niels, but what is that sign say thats just over his sholder? Covered something?

Clarke and Kamie said...

ah ha! so funny! Niels for sure!!!!!

Unknown said...

Neils sooo wears it better! Looks like you had a great lil' vacation. You look great too!

Carol and Tyler said...

ahhhh hahahahahaha!!! Love it! And Niels wins hands down. But I do think you two should pick up a couple of dogs.

Poulton Family said...

That was awesome! For sure Niels!

Stephanie said...

I was wondering where you were going with this.

Niels. OBviously.

Heather McClellan said...

you crack me up, love it!

Janae Walker said...

Niels for sure!

Hawks said...