
Skidattle to Seattle

I have been pondering the many lifestyle changes a child will bring. Many friends have offered varying candid advice about this very thing, and while everyone seems to have their own little "thing" that rocked their world when kids arived on the scene, every single person mentions how easy traveling was pre-kiddos.

For this reason, we have decided to "babymoon" in Seattle in July. We wanted to go somewhere besides our usual SoCal getaway and somewhere that was relatively close since we only have 4 days to jam this thing in.

I have only been to the rainy city for a quick day trip, but I have heard mostly great things all around. I am soliciting you all for any suggestions on cool things to do/places to see & eat. Let's be honest, I'm mostly concerned about the latter since I will be pleasantly plump with child by this time.

Jessica, please do not suggest driving to Forks to see where Bella and Edward met.


Mu husband has a mistress. Her name is music.

He could spend all day with her if it were up to him, but luckily he knows who # 1 is.

He is so extremely open-minded about so many different styles and genres of music, in fact he started guest blogging on this music blog. However, he will not recognize a single country artist or song as quality music. He literally despises it all. With a passion actually.

I rounded up one of my best cowgirls to go to the Ketih Urban concert with me last week since Niels can't help himself but mock this picture everytime it comes up from shuffle on my iPod. Granted the man has a better frosted weave than I do ...

Niels also hates the fact that I have kind of, sorta have a secret crush on Tim McGraw. This just made it all the more amusing when I found out recently that they share the same birthday - May 1st. Coincidence? I think not.



I'm not usually a mushy/sappy person, but with the recent surge of hormones racing through my body I can't really help that I got choked up today ...
  • Watching the Today show and saw footage of a 11 year-old girl embracing her family after being lost in an alligator ridden swamp for 4 days.

  • Driving to work when I looked back over my shoulder to my typically empty back seat. I suddeny pictured a little car seat back there and got all misty-eyed. I'm riduculous.

  • Thinking about my best friend's daughter turning 13 yesterday. Where did time go? I am old!

  • Looking at Noelle's birth/hospital pictures of her new son.

  • Looking at Jessica's new blog header with her family and her itty bitty Conner on her shoulder. So precious. I miss them so much.

  • Realizing my phone has been textless and quiet all week because Shea is still in Brazil.

  • And on a superficial note: I got choked up when my button popped on my favorite work pants. I guess it's time to do that silly rubber band trick.



This year...

1. We are celebrating our 3rd anniversary

2. Niels starts his 3rd year of school.

3. We are adding a 3rd member to our family.

They say good things happen in three's.

I'm a believer.


Dogs, snails and puppy dog tails

You have all heard about my fabulous nieces and the girly sleep overs.

After eleven years of dress-up, hair bows and lip gloss ... it looks like I am going to have to add some trucks, legos and tools to the toy box. Look who decided to rock our world.

Introducing the first nephew/grandson im my family:

Baby Aidan

Looking forward to trying to figure out this whole boy thing.