At my company's office in Utah, I worked among several graphic artists and many other creative minds that would never settle on being anything close to traditional. For this reason, I always looked forward to Halloween every year becasue I never knew what was going to show up, but I was certain it was going to be good. I am quite sad to be missing out on it all this year.
A few absolute gems that I love:

Dora the Explorer. His backpack had speakers on it and was blasting "Come on vamanos, everbody let's go!" Hilarious. Yes, he even has pink Nikes.

This is Curt, one of the most talented designers I know, as Mary Poppins. He always has the best costumes. This year, his family dressed as the cast of Peter Pan and went to the mall to show it off. Too fun.

Shaved face in the back of his head. Who would of thought?

Nachoooo!! I don't know how to sew. Let's just say that a hot glue gun and a stapler saved me on this one.

Noelle's little guppy. One of the cutest baby costumes I've ever seen.
Susie - I am glad that get a kick out of my costumes. I personally think I was more of a SCARY Poppins than a Mary Poppins, but who's counting. We'll miss you at this years Halloween Party. We'll have to send you pictures so you can see the wacky out-of-the-box costumes we have this year.
Hey Susie, It's Nicole Manuele I got your comment that you left on my blog about the Halloween party I emailed ya but I'm not sure if you got it. My email is if you could just email me and let me know what time and where you live we would love to come. Thanks for the invite.
I, too, love the "outside of the box" costumes, but sometimes you have to pick your battles with your kids. Prepare yourself for a daughter who will just die if she can't be Cinderella or a son who talks about being batman all year long. Happy Halloween!
Those are some great costumes. I love the Mary Poppins. I might have to steal the Dora idea. The kids at school would love it.
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