I will admit that part of me thought these videos were kind of funny at first glance as anytime children sing it is pretty dang cute. However, my better half of me knows that these clips are slightly twisted, and knows that I should be kind of scared about the generation that is coming up.
What parent decides it's a good use of their child's amazing capacity to memorize things, to teach them rap songs about big butts and getting low? What happened to Mary's lamb, and Hey Diddle's Fiddle?
Isn't it just lovely how the parents say,"Good job!" when they are done?
Maybe we should teach Taylor that song for her talent show audition instead of the infamous Lollipop dance?
Wow, impressive! Yet slightly creepy.
is it bad that Mariko know the first 2 lines of that song?
that is hilarious. when we saw my family in hawaii last month stuart & halle were singing that non-stop. they knew every word!
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