Yes, I tried to cut my own bangs last weekend thinking I could pull off Reese's look.
No, they did not turn out like this, or anything like unto them.
No, it was not pre-meditated. It was VERY spur-of-the-moment.
Yes, I might have watched 2 hours of makeovers on TLC's "What not to Wear" prior to doing so.
Yes, I am too vain to post a picture of the result.
One word: hid-e-ous.
Two more: headbands and bobby pins
Awe, I am sure they look great! But I know a lady who does good hair if you need a little fix!
Hey Sus! We're actually going to Colorado for Christmas. I'm not sure when we're planning a trip to CA. I know we'll be going in May but we're flying - we just need to pick a weekend to come and visit you guys!! Are you planning to come up to Utah any time soon??
How are things going? You guys pretty much adjusted??
Take care - hope to hear from you soon!
I bet they are great and it is a woman's perogative to cut her hair if she likes. Hope all is well with you and that you had a great Thanksgiving.
To hell with your vanity! I need a good laugh. Post!
(I;m sure they're not as bad as you say!)
(Oh, and I saw that exchange between Becca and Adam, even before you posted, (she grew up in my ward) and I laughed out loud! It's even funnier that you saw it! haha)
I' sure it's not that bad. Now I am really curious to see.
since you wont post a pic Im coming over unannounced and getting a glimpse....not to mention I have goodies for you.
Niels' comment is classic. I'm sure they aren't as bad as you think, but maybe Alyson can work some magic?
I laughed out loud. Love it. (please put a picture up, please!!! I am dying to see!)
You forgot to show my girls when you were over last time so that they could see the reasons we don't cut our own hair. :)
Susie! I can completely relate - I did the exact same thing! Only I was 5. But I can still relate.
Also, we need to see some pictures. That would make this post pretty much the best.
Hey they are not that bad.. pinned back that is!
Can't wait to see them at Christmas! I think it takes courage and creativity to cut your own bangs, regardless of what my son says!
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