
Good Morning, Dad

I have been horrible at keeping a pregnancy journal, let alone a normal journal but I did want to capture this morning.

On a typical morning, Niels rolls out of bed 15 minutes before I do and showers, while I take advantage of those precious 15 minutes and sprawl out on our queen-size bed and assume my pre-marital, non-vertical conforming sleeping position. Don't get me wrong, I love being married and waking up next to my dreamboat every day, but my fantasy of a king-size upgrade cannot come soon enough.

Anyhow, like I was saying ... Niels typically comes in and wakes me up after his shower. He lies by by belly, offers a kiss to his daughter and then places his hands and cheek on my skin hoping to feel the movement that I have been telling him about and feeling myself for a few weeks. He waits for a minute and after no response, I reassure him that she's still pretty tiny and he'll feel her soon enough.

This morning he came in and followed usual morning protocol, only to get thumped back when he applied pressure with his cheek to my belly. He looked at me with such a priceless expression and held still as she bumped him back a couple more times. Good morning dad. I love you but can you please get off me? You're invading my space.


Clarke and Kamie said...

MAGICAL!!!! that's all I have to say:)

jenorme said...

Awww....that is so precious. Niels will never be the same.

Lauren said...

It is such an amazing feeling to finally get to share what you have been feeling with your spouse. Happy kicking!

Alexis Treese said...

Totally love it and can't disagree more on the whole bed talk. What is it about sleeping non vertical in bed? Im so excited, Now I get to talk Preggo talk with you... PS If you see in me in church will you stop me so we can chit chat for a sec.? :)

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...


heather said...

So exciting! That is the best feeling. :)

Christi said...

Love it!

Lizzy said...

So sweet, what a happy almost father's day for Niels. I love the new blog layout too-very cute design!