Minor predicament.
I am having a real hard time deciding what kind of rocker to buy for the nursery. I have looked at probably hundreds online and we have gone to test drive about 30 of them. Gotta love how awesome date nights are when your pregnant. Anyway, while all of them are comfortable ... well mostly, none of them are shouting pick me. The above pics aren't the actual ones we like per say... but are more or less the 3 styles we are considering.
Your motherly (or fatherly) input please ...
the last one.
the first is too manly,
the second's slats will begin to trouble you greatly once the little one begins to move on her own...
and the third just looks more like you, and a chair you can put elsewhere when baby days are over.
you probably didn't think i'd have an opinion, though.
I like how you said the third one looks like me: The big.. soft.. wide.. puffy one ;)
Great feedback, keep it coming.
I vote for the third one.
i like the third one too. we have one like the second. more the "tradition glider" and now that our baby days are drawing to an end i'm not sure it's an enhancement to the decor.
the last one can definitly be kept around after its initial purpose is fulfilled.
I agree the third does look like you and can be used afterwards. I must say we have #1 and it is by far the most comfortable chair that I have sat in, even though it isn't stylish. I think you will like any of the ones you get though, they are all good choices.
Ia #3 a rocker? It looks like a comfortable chair and I think the best looking of the bunch. But does a mother with a little baby need gliding or rocking motion to put a baby to sleep? If so, then you better go with #2. #1 looks like something a 90 year old would use to watch tv in (am I being harsh!). Well, I always have an opinion!
Carolyn - #3 is a rocker and glider, I was impressed to find that out actually.
You aren't being too harsh, I love the feedback.
The reason #1 even made the cuts was bc I couldn't see Niels using somehting like #2. But let's be honest, it's more about me since I will be putting in the mileage.
Looks like 3 is the one. It's got everything.
Rocker, Glider, comfy seat, not too girly (for when Niels is singing lullabies to his little girl), not too manly so you won't have the urge to burp and scratch when you sit in it and practical for when babies are grown!I
With our kids we've loved having a recliner type like a lazy boy, because when you're rocking the baby or feeding the baby and he falls asleep, you can lean back and go to sleep too. The glider types don't recline. The other plus with a lazy boy is you can recline and still rock, other recliners won't rock when reclined. They're not always the cutest chairs out there, but they are so comfortable, especially in the middle of the night with a baby who won't sleep. And your right about Niels, #1 will always work for watching football too, that's how we ended up with ours!
We have the last one, and I've quite enjoyed it. It's very comfortable! I also like having the ottoman to put your feet up! Love the color! We got the tan color and i was wishing we would have bought darker.
I would say the third one. We have a regular recliner and although really nice, it is not as gentle of a rocking motion and also it is a pain to have to reach down and pull the lever when you finally have your baby asleep...good luck shopping!
The first one looks like the one Sheldon picked out in our Reed Station house. It was big and manly and only comfortable as a recliner. The 3rd is my choice as well.
The first one looks like the one Sheldon picked out in our Reed Station house. It was big and manly and only comfortable as a recliner. The 3rd is my choice as well.
I have had the first chair myself and it is a recliner/rocker. Very comfortable chair. I got lost in it so many times. However, for a baby's room I tend to like #2 as it has a more traditional rocking chair appearance.
I realize I don't know you that well, but I stumbled across your blog and just went through these super important decisions and realize how hard it is, so...I have the actual rocker in pic number 3 and la-la-love it. It's super soft the back is the perfect height, it’s not too big or too small. Good luck!
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